EECS 545: Machine Learning
Class overview:
The goal of machine learning is to develop computer algorithms that can learn from data or past experience to predict well on the new unseen data. In the past few decades, machine learning has become a powerful tool in artificial intelligence and data mining, and it has made major impacts in many real-world applications.
This course will give a graduate-level introduction of machine learning and provide foundations of machine learning, mathematical derivation and implementation of the algorithms, and their applications. Topics include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, learning theory, graphical models, and reinforcement learning. This course will also cover recent research topics such as sparsity and feature selection, Bayesian techniques, and deep learning. In addition to mathematical foundations, this course will also put an emphasis on practical applications of machine learning to artificial intelligence and data mining, such as computer vision, data mining, speech recognition, text processing, bioinformatics, and robot perception and control. The course will require an open-ended research project.
Introduction (1 lecture)
Probability review
Loss function
Maximum likelihood
Regression (2 lectures)
Linear regression
Gradient descent and stochastic gradient
Newton method
Probabilistic interpretation of linear regression: Maximum likelihood
Classification (2 lectures)
k-nearst neighbors (kNN)
Naive Bayes
Linear discriminant analysis/ Gaussian discriminant analysis
Logistic regression
Generalized linear models, softmax regression
Kernel methods (4 lectures)
Kernel density estimation, kernel regression
Support vector machines
Convex optimization
Gaussian processes
Regularization (2 lectures)
L2 regularization
L1 regularization, sparsity and feature selection
Bias-Variance tradeoff
Cross validation, model selection
Advice for developing machine learning algorithms
Neural networks (1 lecture)
MLP and back-propagation
Learning theory (2 lectures)
Sample complexity
VC dimension
PAC learning
Error bounds
Graphical models (4 lectures)
Bayesian networks
Exact inference
Sampling based inference
Learning in Bayesian networks
Maximum likelihood estimation
Expectation maximization
Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Structure learning
Bayesian inference and learning
Markov networks
Inference and learning
Unsupervised learning (4 lectures)
Clustering: K-means
Gaussian mixtures
Expectation Maximization (revisited)
Dimensionality reduction: ISOMAP, LLE
Sparse coding
Boltzmann machines and autoencoders, Deep belief networks
Reinforcement learning (3 lectures)
Value iteration and policy iteration
Dynamic programming
Value function approximation
TD learning