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    When the Greek philosopher Thales fell into a pit while gazing at stars, he was following his own curiosity and exploring the root causes of all things in the world, rather than inheriting his family business. This pure desire - not to seek wealth or fame and just follow the heart, is what I aspire for life.



C/C++, Python, VHDL, Java, SQL

Professional Software:

MATLAB, FreeRTOS, EAGLE, Protues, Keil, Android Studio, AutoCAD


Windows, Linux

Design Tools:

Photoshop, Visio, After Effects


Sep.2012 - Jun.2016

Central South University

Bachelor of Science in Automation


Sep.2016 - April.2018

University of Michigan

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science


State University of New York at Buffalo

Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Engineering


Sep.2016 - April.2018 (expected)

University of Michigan

EECS 473: Advanced Embedded Systems

EECS 461: Embedded Control Systems

EECS 545: Machine Learning

EECS 442: Computer Vision

EECS 501: Probability and Random Processing

Grader for EECS 598: Motion Planning

EECS 542: Advanced Computer Vision

ROB 599: Self-driving Car

ROB 590: Independent Study


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